Friday, 21 December 2012

And I Feel Fine

So it's that time of year again. All of the SL bloggers are out in force, posting Christmas themed posts, and here I am, thinking I'll come and talk about building or buying more cats (which I have done) or Kitti's 'fat' thighs (more on that later), or, I don't know, rambling on about my ginger anxiety. I'm not going to talk about those things, however. I am really just going to post a picture and wish you all a merry Christmas. 

But there's a catch - ha ha! My 'Christmas' isn't so Christmassy. It's wintry, though, and I think Kitti's looking pretty bad-ass here, so that's got to count for something, right? 

Posing with me here is Carmine Chris. He's pretty new to SL, and is taking to it like Rudolph to the air on Christmas Eve (oh, come on, I tried). He's a whizz of a builder, and is turning his attentions to scripting, now, too. Keep your eye open - he'll be opening a shop before you know it. 

This is Carmine Chris' first photoshoot. He was very patient, and even suggested posing in other locations, but pickings were pretty slim. Everything is covered in flashing lights and cute scarfed penguins and stuff. Second Life has gone all-out, it would seem, to make its virtual inhabitants feel a bit of the Christmas spirit. Which is nice and lovely and sweet, but not what I wanted, here.

I feel pretty relaxed about Christmas this year. Everything is ready, almost. My family will be arriving on Sunday, and in the new year, I've tickets booked to see my absolute favourite stage-show for what will be my fourth time.  Sounds pretty good to me! There's got to be a catch here, too, right? I've yet to find it!

Anyway. I think we look like incarnate spirits of Winter.

The Winter is Coming! might be here already...
Merry Christmas, everyone! Or Happy Holidays. Enjoy whatever you're celebrating, or enjoy the peace.

Oh - and that other thing that (isn't) happening today. You know. The end of the world. We're pretty relaxed about that, too.

And I feel fine
Being an R.E.M. fan, my first stop would, naturally, be to start blasting "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)", but I have refrained.

Instead, Kitti and I are listening to: this / this / and this. We're not dead yet.

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