Thursday, 15 September 2011

Eat Fruit!

During my adventures so far in Second Life, I have come across a number of interesting and humorous posters that I would like to share. Unfortunately, either my brain has exaggerated the number, or I have managed to lose some of my poster screenshots along with all of the others that seemed to go missing, but I still have quite a few.

I am considering making a Flickr account connected to this blog to hold all of my screenies, hopefully in slightly better detail. Then anyone wanting to have a quick look over my images could do so without having to scroll through all of my posts to find them. What do you think?

The Posters

on Botany Bay Colony (before it was re-vamped recently):

Don't want to catch space scurvy!

Button Your Lip!
on the Doomed Ship:

My question is...which Sun? We're in deep space!

Can't have been very capable hands if this ship is "doomed"...

No "I" in team...but there is a "me"
Apologies for the darkness of those last ones...I didn't think to change the light settings. They like the Doomed Ship's default settings to be dark and eerie, to make up for the total lack of anything actually scary happening there. 

in the hangar of the Pike Encounters Bar, Botany Bay:

I think I've seen enough tentacles to last me a lifetime...

on a waterfall - a waterfall! - on a slightly Gorean sim, "The Central Fire":

Gorean men apparently like forced sexual slavery, and crayons...
These last ones come from sims I am afraid to say I cannot remember the names of. I saw them when I was taking part in the Steampunk Hunt, which entailed teleporting all over SL to find cogs with prizes hidden in them. All I know is that they were from a very detailed steampunk sim, and that I really enjoyed being there:

Click to enlarge. I'm afraid the text isn't massively clear. I believe it's talking about the Babbage Machine, or something like it.

Anti-Automatons? An interesting idea, no?
I should get this put on the opening page of my life!


  1. "They like the Doomed Ship's default settings to be dark and eerie, to make up for the total lack of anything actually scary happening there."
    /me wipes a tear from my eye

    I spat tea all over my keyboard. So true.

    Were the last few from New Babbage, perchance?

  2. Ha ha ha!

    And maybe so, yes. I thought the first poster might be about the Babbage Machine, or something like it, wouldn't surprise me. I meant to look through my tp history and find out, but that proved to be a rather arduous task D:

  3. You absolutely should get a Flickr account for the blog, by the way.


All questions, comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you.