Sort of.
I was pretty much afk for the duration. I signed into SL yesterday morning, then, seeing that no one else was online, went off to do something else. When I came back, I realised that Sian was online. She was standing near me in her skybox, and she'd sent me an image via the private messaging window. Sian quite often sends me such things if she wants me to look at an outfit, or she's taken a particularly good screenie of myself or one of our friends, so this in itself was not unusual. When I opened the file, however, this is what I found:
Image property of Sian Pearl - her flickr |
I think it's the expression of the box-face that makes the picture. Ha ha!
So there you go. I have, officially, been AWOL and abused.
Hee, hee.
ReplyDeleteAlso, heehee, :)