Thursday, 2 February 2012

Small Reprieve

I'm aware that my last couple of posts have been a little heavy, and whilst I don't think that that is a bad thing, I don't intend to hammer you all over the head in every post. 

So here. Have some screenshots of me exploring a pretty little sim whose name I have promptly forgotten. I'll sign back in later and find out what it is. I found it via the "Editor's Picks" on the Destination Guide, and it was certainly an interesting place to be. It looked something like an abandoned fairground, and by the shore, the fortune teller machine from the film "Big" (ya'no, with Tom Hanks) was lying crooked, half-beneath the water. For 10L$ (in-world currency), it would tell you your fortune. Having seen "Big" quite a few times when I was younger (it was one of my favourite films), I decided it was probably best to steer clear. 

Whilst I was walking around, a man in camo trousers decided to follow me. He didn't say a word, and, eventually, he took his trousers off - he had khaki shorts on underneath, thank God - and walked off into the sea. As you do. 

A view of the sim from the psychic's hut
I think, after the collar post, my mother is going to start worrying about me...
O, woe is me!
The pose ball said "freak out"
Tea with the Hatter
Er...not really sure why this was there...
To get these images, I had to turn my graphics up to "medium". It was a risky move even trying to do that, since my system isn't really up to even running SL in the first place, but the difference it made was incredible. On "low", absolutely everything was grey and texture-less. In SL, your graphics card determines the strength of your eyesight, and as somebody who enjoys very good eyesight irl, it can get a little tiresome looking at  virtual grey blobs. 

Enjoy the reprieve. I cannot promise it will last long :P

For more/bigger images, see my flickr.

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